International Investor Award Winner
Invest Durban

FDI City of the Year // Africa 2022
Best FDI Agency // Africa 2021, Rusell Curtis: FDI CEO of the year // Africa 2021
Invest Durban acts as a partnership between the Metro City Council and the private business sector, offering a free investor advisory service, plus key promotion, facilitation, aftercare services between all investment stakeholders.Invest Durban delivers a world-classMetro based investor support service,encompassing our four-part businessmandate, namely investment promotion and marketing; foreign investment identification, attraction and facilitation;FDI aftercare and expansion, plus investment advocacy.Invest Durban works closely with theDepartment of Trade & Industry includingInvest SA, Trade and Investment KZN(TIKZN), the Durban Chamber ofCommerce and Industry, the KZN GrowthCoalition, and state-owned enterprises such as Dube Trade Port, the DBSA, IDC,Eskom & others. Key partners include the largest banks, audit and advisory firms,plus sector-based organised business bodies working in concert to promote investment in Durban.