International Investor Award Winner
Taipei Fubon Bank

Most Innovative Bank // Taiwan
Digital Banking Services of the Year // Taiwan
Taipei Fubon Bank, a 100% owned subsidiary of Fubon Financial Holdings, was created through the merger of Taipei Bank and Fubon Bank. The merger, formally completed on Jan. 1, 2005, was the first in Taiwan’s banking history involving a state-owned bank and a private bank. As of Mar. 31, 2020, Taipei Fubon Bank had total assets of NT$3.168 trillion and operated a total of 127 domestic branches and five overseas branches plus one office. It has the most branches in Taipei of any private bank in Taiwan.
Backed by a highly efficient channel platform, an unrivaled line of products and services, and extremely effective operations, Taipei Fubon Bank is determined to emerge as the preferred financial strategy partner for customers in the Greater China market and move steadily toward the vision of becoming “a top regional bank in Asia.”