International Investor Award Winner

Best COVID-19 Relief Program // Oman & Best LNG Company // MENA 2021
Oman Liquefied Natural Gas LLC (Oman LNG) is a joint venture established by a Royal Decree in 1994 and operates under the laws of the Sultanate of Oman. The Company engages in the business of producing and selling Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and its by-product Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs). Last year the company reached a record high production rate of 10.4 million tonnes per annum. Since the inception, over 2,400 cargoes of LNG have been safely and reliably produced and delivered to various destinations around the globe.
HSE is the centre-piece of Oman LNG’s world-class operations which enabled the company to break safety milestones to stand now at over 32 million man-hours worked without Lost-Time Injury (LTI). The company has strengthened its excellence in social responsibility by establishing “Oman LNG Development Foundation” in 2015, which today covers over 6,350 sustainable projects that extend across the entire country.