International Investor Award Winner
Bayad Center

Best Multi-Channel Payment Solution Provider // Philippines 2023
BAYAD is the biggest and widest multi-channel payment platform and bills payment aggregator in the Philippines. Originally known as Bayad Center, BAYAD was established primarily to support MERALCO to provide more convenient and accessible payment options for their customers alongside its Business Centers.
• THE PIONEER FINTECH PAYMENT COMPANY - Established in May 1997, Bayad pioneered the outsourced payment collection service in the country. Bayad is a subsidiary of the Manila Electric Company (MERALCO) and a member of the MVP group of companies.
• THE BILLERC OLLECTIONP ARTNERO F CHOICE - As a testament of Bayad's expertise in the bills payment industry, it has become the biller aggregator of choice, collecting for more than 800 biller brands, covering utilities, banks, schools, insurance, transportation, government contribution, and loan payment, and many more.
• THE BIGGEST & WIDEST MULTI-CHANNEL PAYMENT PLATFORM - Bayad carries with it a network of over a hundred thousand physical (over-the-counter) and digital (online) touchpoints that span across the country and worldwide - from major retail chains like malls, supermarkets, convenience stores, banks, pawnshops, remittance centers, to community establishments such as sari-sari stores, bakeries, salons, to eMoney Issuers, leading mobile applications, digital banks, and other fintech players, BAYAD elevates the financial experience by making bills payment and other financial services more accessible to every Filipino.
• ACCREDITED SAFE AND SECURE SYSTEMS - BAYAD strives to continue its commitment to integrity, trust, reliability by securing the following registrations, licenses, and certifications from the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and other authorized organizations:
- Operator of Payment System ( OPS)
- Electronic Money Issuer ( EM!)
- Remittance and Transfer Company (RTC)
- National Privacy Commission (NPC)
-Payment Card tndustriy Data Security Standard (PC/ -oss)