International Investor Award Winner

Most Reliable Funds Rating Platform // UK 2021
FundCalibre is an independent online fund ratings agency, whose research is freely available to all investors. Established in 2014, 66% of its board and 20% of its research team is female.
With more than 3,500 funds and investment trusts available in the UK, choosing one can be a difficult and daunting task. That’s where FundCalibre comes in. The research team analyses funds and trusts that are widely available to UK retail investors and identifies those it believes have the most skilful managers.
Using a proprietary screening tool, the team is able to separate performance achieved by market movements from the value added by the manager and assess how consistent and repeatable their skill could be. Funds passing each stage of the analysis are awarded an Elite Rating.
Most importantly, investors can browse FundCalibre with the comfort of knowing that every manger has been interviewed, every fund has undergone a rigorous research process, and there is no pay to play: FundCalibre is truly independent and its rating are award on skill alone.